

Hey there! Thank you for visiting my site.

I offer SEO services, virtual assistance, social media management, market research, back-linking, Google analytics, and marketing.

I have a keen attention to detail and has the ability to withstand stress.

I am also competitive at work, always looking forward to being as productive as possible.

I am a freelancer and I would love to help business owners grow their businesses.

4 Benefits of Affiliate Marketing

This pandemic teaches people to be more resilient. Other businesses went bankrupt, the number of unemployed had increased, and not to mention the effect of the tremors of Covid-19 in society. Odd as it may seem, we also found the best solution to this problem through the internet. And one of them is affiliate marketing.…

The Modern Livelihood

A person’s livelihood refers to their “means of securing the basic necessities of life.” Livelihood is defined as a set of activities essential to everyday life that are conducted over one’s life span. Such activities could include securing water, food, fodder, medicine, shelter, and clothing. An individual’s livelihood involves the capacity to acquire aforementioned necessities…

4 Major Tips in Dealing with Irate Customers

One of the factors that affect customer service is handling irate customers. It takes a level of expertise to deal with customer service handling. Not all businesses can provide quality customer service.  Study shows that about 97% of customers will relay to others about excellent customer service experiences, nearly 70% of people would spend more…

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